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Customs and Airport

Green Channel

Passengers arriving at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) without any dutiable goods can proceed through the Green Channel for quick clearance without a baggage check.  If you are carrying dutiable articles, you have to pass through the Red Channel for detailed customs clearance.


Apart from used personal belongings, visitors are allowed to bring to Nepal free of duty cigarettes (200) or cigars (50), distilled liquor (one 1.15 liter bottle), and film (15 rolls).  You can also bring in the following articles free of duty on contidition that you take them out with you when you leave: binoculars, movie or video camera, still camera, laptop computer and portable music system.


It is illegal to export objects over 100 years old (sacred images, paintings, manuscripts) that are valued for culture and religious reasons.  Visitors are advised not to purchase such items as they are Nepal's cultural heritage and belong here.  The Department of Archaeology (Phone:213701, 213702) at Ramshah Path near Singha Durbar has to certify all metal statues, sacred paintings and similar objects before they are allowed to be sent or carried out of the country.  Handicraft dealers and travel agents are able to assist you in this process.  For more information on customs matters, contact the Chief Customs Administratior, TIA Customs Office (Phone: 470110, 472266)

Airport Tax

Passengers departing from the Tribhuvan International Airport are required to pay an airport tax of Rs. 600 if going to SAARC countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan and Shri Lanka) and Rs, 1000 to all other international destinations.  Domestic airport tax is Rs. 100


We have tried our best to give you the latest information, however the taxes and custom laws are subjected to change by Government of Nepal.  So, Kindly check them out when you are actually planning to visit Nepal.  We should not be held responsible for any changes in taxes or customs laws, which are mentioned here.

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